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Al-Aqsa : the challenge.


400px-Dome_of_the_rock_distance.jpgIt is still too early to assess all the information about the surprise attack of Hamas against  Israel, but a few conclusions can already be drawn.

The first one is the lack of awareness, not only in Israel but also in the West as a whole.

We may question the lack of readiness of israeli security agencies, but the main interrogation is about  israeli society itself. The latter divided itself over the judicial reform while losing its vigilance on security matters. This reminds us of the people of Byzance squabbling about the sex of angels whereas the Turks were preparing for the final assault..

And what a sad symbolic story told by those images of idealistic and pacifist rave party dancers being sacrificed like sheep by the God fanatics of  Hamas !

The experts will draw the lessons  in matter of intelligence and security but will the Israeli society, like ours, understand the moral and religious nature of the challenge?

Will the West, siding with Israel, be lucid enough to face the challenge with the sword and Faith ? Diplomatic ways are leading nowhere in the sand of the desert and there can only be peace when force  upholds the Law.

Let us be clear about that :  what is at stake is the survival of this judeo christian civilization which is at the root of democracy. This democratic judeo christian culture exists only in Israel outside the West, and it is under attack by dark satanic forces eveywhere in the world and even within the West.

 It is a geopolitical error as well as  moral forfeiture for the West to continue to fund terrorism, in Gaza and elsewhere, in the name of moral humanitarian principles which are manipulated by its worst enemies.

The terrorist operation of Hamas opens many eyes and it also reminds the world that Al Aqsa is located on Temple Mount, a holy place for the Jews which is also the Mosque esplanade for the Moslems, without forgetting that the poor knights of Christ were quartered there at the beginning of their order and were later called the Templars because of this..

In those days Israel did not exist, nor Palestine. This land was holy for everybody and it should be so again. This is a spiritual and religious challenge in  the spirit of the Abraham agreements. It is not too late, it is never too late, to serve God and peace at Jerusalem.




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